TÜV tested quality for your vehicle
and for your personal safety

Specialists in the development and production of specific solutions and individual construction of seat supports

„Service & QUALITY“

make the difference

Securing the seat to the vehicle plays a vital role in ensuring your safety.

To install a RECARO seat in your vehicle, you will need the respective supports with the corresponding seat adjustment rails.

RECARO has specific supports of some vehicle models (with or without ABE type-approval) otherwise alternative and adaptable supports from other manufacturers are available.

Since you may not find supports that are suited to your particular vehicle, we specialise in developing and producing specific solutions and creating individual seat supports.

We offer a comprehensive service, competently rendered by a single source: we install seats in all vehicle makes, and we provide TÜV approval by a civil engineer and type-approval by the local Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency service centre.

Example of Seat support in a Ford Transit Connect

Example of Seat supports / seat adjustment rails



Mst. Christian Pötzelsberger

Director & product specialist for customised vehicle conversion solutions

By appointment only


+43 (0) 664 / 11 20 778