Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear disabled user,
From 7th November 2019 the law sets out that people with disabilities are exempt from NOVA (Normverbrauchsabgabe), the Austrian standard fuel consumption tax which is paid upon vehicle registration.
Consequently, here are the amendments to the law (for further information, please consult the link to article XII, paragraph 3, section 5 “Tax exemptions”):
Paragraph 3: The following are exempt from paying NOVA
Section 5: Transactions inherent to motor vehicles used by people with disabilities for their own personal transportation, provided that the disabled user has a driving licence or proves that the vehicle is used prevalently for his or her own personal transportation.
The disability (for inability to use public means of transport or blindness) must be demonstrated in the disabled card pursuant to the provisions of article 40 and following articles of the Bundesbehindertengesetz (Austrian disability bill) in the version published in the Bundesgesetzblatt (Austrian Official Journal) no. 283/1990, or in another card as specified in art. 29b of the Straßenverkehrsordnung (Austrian highway code) dated 1960 in the version published in the Bundesgesetzblatt (Austrian Official Journal) no. 159/1960.
Currently, from the legislative text it is not clear yet whether the exemption from NOVA commences on the day the law was published (07/11/2019) or whether the purchase of the car must be made after the first day of the following month (01/12/2019).
The complete legislative text can be consulted at the following link: (Source)
Mst. Christian Pötzelsberger
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